Sunday 14 October 2007

The Installation

1. Initial Sketches

Group sketch showing initial concept ideas for the installation: a cocoon where one steps into reality and experiences the journey.

2. Prototype

Prototype model of the cocoon frame made out of wooden sticks. This model is useful to understand how to build installation by joining and curving the sticks to shape.

3. Building the Installation

4. The Installation

The installation explained on the day can be view here:

5. The Explanation

The installation is a cocoon. A 'real' cocoon which is made of real organic materials. It expresses its structure and therefore it is honest and is not trying to be anything it isn't. It is real.

Entering the cocoon, you enter reality, and you experience the journey through a series of blocks which, joined together, recreate the route.

Each block has a piece of the journey we had to analyse and pictures of that specific part of the city. The pictures are mondane; nothing fancy, nothing fake, nothing tweaked on photoshop to get rid of the negative elements... they are real pictures of real places evoking real feeling which we experienced as we walked the route and studied it.

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