Tuesday 23 October 2007

The Beginning of the end

This interactive cocoon’s journey has not come to an end. Although the presentation has been complete and the project is now closed, this is not the end! As we were asked to remove our installation form the Eldon Building courtyard we carried it back to the Portland building.

On its travels through Guildhall walk we were stopped by several people. A couple of young teenagers puzzled by this cocoon, they immediately came up to stroke it and asked if they could sit in it. So that’s exactly what they did:

It didn’t just end here a local business man also couldn’t resist the fluffiness of it and came up for a quick stroke. We decided to leave the cocoon in Guildhall square for 10mins to see how others would react to it. The young boys once again returned to the cocoon and decided to try and take it with them on their travels.

After this it was returned back to its temporary home the Portland building.

However this is not the end of its journey, Joanna Russell from the school office has adopted the cocoon and it is currently on its travels to her house as a shelter for her niece and nephews to play with.

Photos of Diploma 2 students carrying the cocoon to Gosport via ferry and Jo’s nieces and nephews interacting/ playing with the cocoon will be posted shortly...